Confident Learners Foundations
Building Readers and Leaders
Enhancing literacy outcomes can be a rewarding journey. To ensure educators can concentrate their time and energy on impactful instruction, a dedicated focus on systematic reading instruction is key. Confident Learners Foundations provides a structured, explicit, three-phase approach to support children in Grades 1 to 5 to develop the skills they need to become successful readers.
Confident Learners Foundations supports your staff and advance literacy outcomes.
Build instructional experience
Better manage costs and support educator priorities with flexible in-person or online training options
Go beyond phonics to set students up for success
Choose a program that spans phonics through to reading comprehension.
Identify, target, and share student progress
Help educators to know where to focus their time and energy effectively.
Explore the Crucial Components for Building Literacy Success
Empower Educators Through Online Professional Learning
Two asynchronous professional learning courses equip educators with the skills and confidence to effectively teach reading. Our courses provide insight into key evidence-based practices and include practical strategies tailored for busy educators.
Choose an Evidence-based, Comprehensive Approach to Structured Reading Instruction
Phonics screening is not enough to impact literacy outcomes. The Learning Bar’s curriculum for teaching children to read spans phonics through to reading comprehension. The Learning Bar’s curriculum for teaching children to read is divided into three phases, Phase 1: Becoming a Reader, Phase 2: Becoming a Skilled Reader, and Phase 3: Becoming an Expert Reader. The aligned 280+ structured lessons and resources are tailored to a clearly defined scope and sequence, ensuring consistency and clarity in instruction, and reducing the time and effort required to get up to speed.
Easy-to-Use Continuous Assessment
Flexible and regular assessment with the easy-to-implement Phonics Advantage Reading Assessment (PARA) allows educators to immediately target instruction to address identified learning needs and celebrate every child’s growth.