Confident Learners: Unlocking a world of possibilities for all your students with a new step-by-step approach

Educators have a solid body of research evidence on how children learn to read, and what instructional approaches work best. This evidence is the foundation of the Confident Learners Literacy Program.
The program uses a systematic and explicit approach to teaching in which positive student outcomes can be realized quickly. The emphasis on a specific sequence of skills development means that children learn how the sounds they hear in words – phonemes – are linked to the letters they see in print – graphemes.
As children learn how to sound out words using the phonemes, they quickly learn how to read words, spell them, and make simple sentences. Before long, they are reading full sentences and short passages. This innovative approach drives confidence in becoming a reader.

Confident Learners Literacy Program acts as the bridge from research to practice.

The Confident Learners Literacy Program is a unified suite of products and services as outlined below.

RESEARCH PRACTICE INFORMS SYSTEMATIC READING INSTRUCTION Science of Reading Scope and Sequence of Becoming a Reader Practical Strategies and Resources for Each Stage of Becoming a Reader TEACHING READING Systematic Phonics Best Practice Learning Activities THE SCIENCE OF TEACHING Reflective Teacher A Framework for Quality Instruction Classroom practices that increase student learning and well-being EFFECTIVE TEACHING Teacher Self-Reflection Questionnaire (TSQ) Best Practice Culture and Context THE SCIENCE OF ASSESSMENT A Framework for Using Data Using Data Collecting, Analyzing, and Reporting Data READING ASSESSMENT Phonics Advantage Reading Assessment (PARA) Progress Monitor Formative Assessment

Imagine a world where EVERY child becomes a confident reader… inquire now to find out more