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Support a Successful Transition to School

Early Years Evaluation - Teacher Assessment

A child is not a sum of his or her abilities in literacy, mathematics, or science; a child is influenced by many factors, including family, school, and community. These cumulative factors impact every stage of a child’s life. The Early Years Evaluation – Teacher Assessment  (EYE-TA) measures a variety of items and provides a holistic picture for school leaders.


Prevent Reading Difficulties

Most reading difficulties can be prevented with early identification, excellent classroom instruction, and appropriate intervention. Research shows 25-50% of children enter primary school with cognitive or language skills that are one or more years behind their peers. To support these crucial development skills, educators need data on each child’s strengths and areas for further development early in the kindergarten year.

For those children who are already showing emerging literacy skills as they enter the classroom, The Learning Bar now offers a new reading assessment to schools and districts already using the EYE-TA: the Early Years Evaluation – Pre-Reading Assessment (EYE-PR).   

Find out more about EYE - Pre-Reading Assessment

Implement Targeted Interventions Early

Unlike other early learning assessments, the Early Years Evaluation – Teacher Assessment (EYE-TA) is done early in the kindergarten year and provides immediate reporting and specific interventions to target areas of concern in key child development domains. This allows educators to act quickly to ensure the right supports and interventions are in place for each child.

Align Assessment with Effective Intervention

EYE is the first assessment of its kind that has an explicit link between assessment results and classroom practice. Tailored intervention activities are now linked directly to a developmental domain where a child needs to strengthen their skills.

Find out more about our EYE-100 Domain Strengthening Activities

Measure and Celebrate Progress!

Establishing an early baseline for assessing learning gains allows for consistent monitoring of each child’s developmental needs and alignment of specific interventions. The EYE-TA assesses five key markers of early child development that are closely linked to kindergarten readiness and emergent literacy skills. Perhaps the most rewarding feature of the EYE-TA is that it is implemented in a pre-post model educators can use to measure (and celebrate!) learning gains for each child over the school year.

Find out more about the development of EYE

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