Inform and Guide Educational Practice and Tiered Instruction

The Early Years Evaluation – Teacher Assessment data is collected at the beginning of the school year. Teachers have immediate access to Individual Child Reports and an overall Class Reports.  Access to leading indicator  data enables teachers to quickly determine which children: 

  • are excelling.  
  • need enrichment. 
  • meet expectations.  
  • require additional support.  

Teachers can use this information to personalize children’s learning, ensuring that each child’s learning needs are addressed.


The Early Years Evaluation Responsive Tiered Instruction Model (EYE-RTI) ensures your children receive the instructional resources they need to become successful readers.

Jurisdictions across Canada and Latin America are using the RTI model to assist with early identification, intervention, and resource allocation (Gersten et al., 2008) (Link?). The RTI Model is a framework developed by Dr. Willms, author of the EYE instruments, to determine which children are most likely to require extra support during the primary school years.  

Using the EYE data as leading indicators  of children’s skills, teachers are able to identify and respond effectively to children who are likely to benefit from Tier 2 or Tier 3 instruction and prepare with early allocation of resources before they enter Grade 1.
