Identify Trends Over Time

The Early Years Evaluation - Teacher Assessment (EYE-TA) School Report enables you to track trends in two ways:

Within cohorts: Use the Pre-Post EYE-TA implementations during the school year to evaluate whether the interventions you put in place were effective from one year to the next and provide evidence of whether support programs currently in place are having a meaningful impact over time.
Between cohorts: Look for patterns and trends in the results year over year.

Use your School Report to:

Identify skills deficits: Anticipating what skills the incoming cohort will likely struggle with will assist the classroom teacher to effectively plan the first few months of school. For example, if there is a trend in the data that suggests many of the incoming cohort struggle with the skills associated with the Language and Communication domain, teachers can begin the school year with play-based activities targeted at strengthening these skills.
By sharing these skills data trends with external partners (literacy or multi-agency organizations) children’s learning needs will be met at a community-wide level.
Form a Demographic Profile: Through consistent re-assessment of those children with Tier 2 and Tier 3 learning needs in the Post EYE-TA, the “Demographic Profile” on the Post EYE-TA School Report can be used to track trends in a school’s demographic makeup. School leaders can examine trends in gender as well as age.
Identify schools with high levels of children with Tier 2 and Tier 3 learning needs