WEBINAR: Taking Care of Staff so… They Can Take Care of Students
There is a direct relationship between leadership and the culture of an organization and a healthy culture is a leading indicator of student success. Building a healthy culture is a key responsibility of the leaders in the system.
In the business of the day to day work, it is easy to neglect one key factor in organizational health – the well-being of the adults in the system. How do we intentionally pay attention to this as leaders? What daily habits and actions will support a healthy culture focused on the well-being of staff?
Join this one-hour virtual workshop to consider these guiding questions and leave with strategies for improvement.
Click here for more information about our well-being surveys and resources.
Date: 5 Mar, 2024
Time: 1:00 EST
Title: Taking Care of Staff so… They can Take Care of Students
Speaker: Karen Power, Leadership Development Consultant, The Learning Bar
Speaker Biography: Karen Power, Leadership Development Consultant, The Learning Bar
Karen is a consultant and former teacher, principal, superintendent, and senior advisor for professional learning and leadership. She has won multiple awards and authored books related to her work which focuses on leadership coaching in schools and districts, building collaborative practices through professional learning community (PLC) implementation, district strategic planning, and developing effective instruction, assessment and evidence-based decisions for long-term sustainability. Karen is now working as a consultant with The Learning Bar to support leadership development within schools and districts.
Register now for other webinars in our Well-being Learning Series.
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