Let us help measure, customize and interpret your data

Our Research and Engagement teams are here to support and build your staff’s expertise in the areas of data-driven planning and decision making.

OurSCHOOL Engagement Services

Whether you have questions about using student voice in school planning, what the literature says about how to improve students’ sense of belonging, or what schools like yours are doing to achieve success, our Engagement Services can support you.

  • Measure selection: Ensure your survey is precisely targeted to gather the data that best supports your unique goals. A well-aligned survey allows you to set baselines, monitor your impact on student outcomes, target interventions, and focus your time and resources on what matters the most.


  • Data Interpretation: Interpret and share your survey findings among your school community with confidence. We can provide assistance, clarification, or if you just want a sounding board for how to think about your results


  • Custom Question Design: Customize your survey with questions that are actionable and capture evidence unique to your school community. We can offer advice on question design best practices, provide feedback on your custom questions, review your data to find areas that could be further investigated with additional questions, and provide guidance on using your custom questions to explore equity in your district and schools.

What Our Clients Say

Early Years Evaluation and OurSCHOOL Engagement Sessions

Join the Engagement Team in one of our personalized interactive sessions. Each session was designed to reach all levels of data literacy, meaning you don’t need to be a data expert or statistician to attend. Let our team of experts guide you in finding your data story!

OurSCHOOL Parent Survey Debrief
OurSCHOOL Teacher Survey Debrief

Every school and district is unique and has its own challenges, goals, and priorities. We are here to help you achieve these.