Engagement Session: EYE-TA School Leaders Session

Enhance Literacy Outcomes: Amplify the Use of Your EYE-TA Data


Afford leaders dedicated time to explore the power of data for decision making

Participants will:

learn proven approaches to assist educators and multidisciplinary teams to leverage data,
gain insights into effective resource allocation strategies to support vulnerable children,
uncover effective techniques for engaging families in intervention activities, and
leave the session with a toolbox of actionable strategies to improve child outcomes and inform school planning.


Learn to Leverage Data and Support School Staff

During the session, we will:

review the components of the EYE-TA to give leaders a deeper understanding of the tool,
highlight the role of the school leader in actioning EYE-TA data, and
provide effective strategies for engaging a variety of stakeholders with assessment data.

Live, web-based interactive session

Principals, Vice Principals, District Coordinators, and Districted EYE Support Personnel

1 hour

Empower your instructional leaders to lead with data.
Inquire now to find out more.

Session booking is subject to availability.